fisioterapia chamartín
In our center we carry out the latest techniques and rehabilitation methods based on clinical evidence to achieve the best results in the management of chronic pain and the treatment of rheumatism, sports physiotherapy, knee, shoulder and hip pathology, jaw / temporomandibular disorder (TMD), instability and neck pain , lumbar pain, ankle, elbow etc.
At Fisioterapia Chamartin we care about your health so we have decided to expand our service offer to provide you with the complete care you need and deserve.
We want to reeducate both your body and mind, optimise the response to the demands of your sport activities or you everyday life, and we will do so always based on the most innovative therapy and the scientific evidence available.
We have 60m2 in the Chamartín station, 3 physiotherapy rooms, a rehabilitation center with all the necessary equipment and the best professionals. In it, physiotherapy, motor control, prevention and rehabilitation of injuries interact and complement each other.


Manual therapy
Orthopedic Manual Physiotherapy (OMT), according to the Spanish Association of Orthopedic Manual Therapy constitutes an area of specialization within Physiotherapy aimed at the evaluation and treatment of arthro-neuro-muscular dysfunctions. It is based on clinical reasoning, available scientific and clinical evidence, and the biopsychosocial approach of each individual patient. It uses highly specific assessment and treatment approaches including manual techniques and therapeutic exercises.
The OMT integrates all the information and experience of Manual Therapy applied since ancient times, Classical Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Medicine, Osteopathy and Chiropractice, grouped under a common denominator, clinical and scientific evidence.
The OMT application is based on a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s arthro-neuro-muscular system and their functional capacities. This evaluation is aimed at defining the dysfunction that the patient presents in the articular, muscular, nervous systems, as well as in other relevant systems, and to explain how they are related to any disability or functional limitation as described by the International Classification of Functioning. WHO Disability and Health (ICF). Similarly, OMT evaluation tries to differentiate those clinical situations in which OMT Physiotherapy intervention is indicated or contraindicated or the situation requires special precautions, as well as those where anatomical anomalies or pathological processes limit or condition the use of the procedures of OMT. Finally, throughout the evaluation process in OMT, the clinical situation of the patient is avalysed to decide if he/she can be subject to receiving a treatment aimed at reducing symptoms or if, on the contrary, the treatment can be aimed at improving the patient’s function.
Interventional procedures in OMT include a wide range of techniques, including slow joint mobilization, joint manipulation, muscle stretching, functional massage (with joint movement), mobilization of the nervous system, passive stabilization and active stabilization, and targeted exercises in order to improve endurance, strength and muscular coordination as well as the general functional situation of the patient.
A fundamental part in the OMT integral intervention process involves the patient’s self-treatment, a set of therapeutic strategies that the OMT physiotherapist instructs the patient so that he can manage his own functional state and general health.

In order to use Yoofit facilities (with total access) the monthly fee is 70 / month. Chamartín Physiotherapy patients will have a reduction and pay € 39.95 / month. Patients can also acquire vouchers through the Yoofit website

Available Services in our sessions

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
Physiotherapy involves a series of methods, actions and techniques that, through the application of physical, non-pharmacological means, heal, prevent, recover and adapt to people affected by physical dysfunctions or those who want to maintain an optimal level of health, from an elderly person who has just come out of a long period of immobilization in the hospital to a high-level athlete with discomfort while practicing sports.
To carry out a correct comprehensive treatment plan, we use an individual’s medical history and physical examination to arrive at a personalized diagnosis.
There are different specialties and subcategories in physiotherapy, such as neurological, orthopedic, trauma, sports, cardiopulmonary, pediatric and geriatric physiotherapy.
Neurodynamic mobilization
Nervous tissue mobilization is an intervention aimed at assessing and treating painful alterations, dysesthesias and motor disorders of the peripheral nervous system and meninges, by mobilizing the nervous system and other structures that surround it.
Through it we can evaluate the mechanical sensitivity of neural tissue. The application of technical movements, properly administered and sequenced, stress or relieve the different neuromusculoskeletal structures, with special attention to this tissue.
It uses specific positions and movements of the spine and extremities to mechanically stimulate nerve tissue to reduce its mechanosensitivity, relieve symptoms, and improve function. It aims to restore the ability of the nervous system to tolerate the mechanical forces related to the movement of the locomotor system.

Motor control
Motor control is the ability of the nervous system to adapt to the movement demands that we place on the body when we perform sports or daily activities, in order to perform them consciously and in a controlled manner. In Fisioterapia Chamartín we have all the necessary material for its realization and practice.
Dry needling
Dry needling is an effective invasive technique that uses acupuncture needles to treat myofascial pain syndrome caused by pain in myofascial trigger points.
These are located through a palpable nodule under the skin, in a tight band within the skeletal muscle that transmits pain referred to other areas.
It is perceived because when the area is touched the pain is accentuated, it is reflected or spread to other areas of the body, weakness and even movement restrictions occur.

Pain education
We are aware of the limitations of passive therapy in pain management (especially chronic pain), therefore, at our center we work hard with the aim of educating the patient in the biopsychosocial model, explaining the characteristics and functions of acute and chronic pain, central sensitization, pain thresholds, neuroplasticity, knowledge of pain or perception of harm in the case of evaluating that it may be beneficial for the patient.
Myofascial Therapy
Myofascial therapy comprises various manual techniques with the purpose of treating dysfunctions of the myofascial system (connective soft tissue that surrounds the muscles, organs and nerves and that gives them stretch and mobility) and to break the vicious circle that causes pain.
Currently there is little evidence on the existence of these “adhesions” in non-surgical or traumatic processes. Myofascial therapy is a common form of alternative medicine therapy present in many schools of manual treatment such as osteopathy, structural integration, deep tissue massage and muscle chains.
Fascia is a tough, elastic, and thin connective tissue that surrounds most structures within the human body, including muscles. The fascia supports and protects muscle structures. Soft tissue restrictions are known by many names: adhesions, fibrosis, restriction, dysfunction. They are often called restrictions because they restrict movement of the structures in which they are located and are believed to cause pain.

Indiba is an electronic recuperator based on the application of hyperthermia that activates blood circulation, nourishing and revitalizing cells.
Indiba works with a frequency of 448 kHz, which is the basis of cellular changes that accelerate the healing of tissues and that together with the work of our physiotherapists, allows the reduction of pain and the return to activity, taking advantage of and stimulating the natural energies of the organism.
Its applications can be both therapeutic (at the musculoskeletal level) and aesthetic (at the dermis, epidermis and adipose tissue level.) We can work at superficial and / or deep tissues, since it consists of two types of electrodes (capacitive and resistive) to be able to work on different tissues according to their composition, resistance and depth.
Musculoskeletal ultrasound is a non-invasive technique that uses sound waves to visualise muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints in real time.
The main uses are the diagnosis of sports injuries, the detection of inflammation or tears and its use as a guide for precise injections.
The main advantage is that it is fast, safe, radiation-free and provides real-time imaging for accurate diagnosis.
An essential tool to confirm the diagnosis of your musculoskeletal health!

Our team

Adrián Campillo
(physiotherapist and manual therapist)
specialized in chronic pain and spinal pathology
Specialized in chronic pain and spinal pathology with 13 years of experience in trauma, sports, neurological, respiratory physiotherapy, cardiac resuscitation and orthopedic surgery in Madrid, Paris and Bordeaux, both in private clinics and public hospitals.
During these years I have been trained in each of these specialties with the best professionals in the sector.
- Professor and Coordinator of General Physiotherapy at Alfonso X El Sabio University
- Professor in the Master in practical spinal pathology at the Paris VI University and the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital in 2016 and 2017
- Lead researcher of the study: Effectiveness of superficial dry needling of an active trigger point in the upper trapezius compared to a nearby point in cervical pain and collaborator in various multicenter studies (AMOBES, STERNOCAT)
- Continuous training in sports physiotherapy, neurosensory re-education of the vertiginous patient and balance disorders with the French National Agency of the DPC, physiotherapy in the field of resuscitation, CPR, CYBER, CONTREX and BIODEX isokinetism, neurological reeducation with the Perfetti method at the Public Hospitals of Bordeaux, Paris, IFMK Paris and the Clairefontaine National Football Institute.
- Master’s Degree in Orthopedic Manual Therapy of the locomotor system from Universidad Alcalá de Henares
- Master’s Degree in Myofascial Therapy from the Universidad Europea de Madrid
- Training in Respiratory Physiotherapy from the Universidad Europea de Madrid
- Diploma of Physiotherapy from the Universidad Europea de Madrid
Alejandro Rosillo
(physiotherapist and manual therapist)
expert in sports physiotherapy and sports injury rehabilitation
Physiotherapist for the Iraq National Football Team
Sports Physiotherapist at C.F. Rayo Majadahonda S.A.D
Master in Sports Physiotherapy from the Real Madrid University School, Universidad Europea
Expert in Manual Therapy and Motor Control with Exercise by BMT training
Training in dry needling, musculoskeletal ultrasound and exercise physiology.
Degree in physiotherapy from UCAM


1 session:

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Monthly rehabilitation voucher:
includes 2 sessions / week and unlimited access to the Yoofit gym: € 400

Business voucher:
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